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Accelerate your district with our peer learning educational program

Join a growing global movement – engage with 45 innovation districts in the Global Network.

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What is the Global Network of Innovation Districts

The Global Network is an environment of global collaboration in which district leaders from around the world come together to support one another. This work includes:

Tailored strategic support that builds on decades of learning from leading districts and strategic advisors.
The facilitation of new connections and peer-learning between districts.
Access to cutting-edge research and findings by GIID and other actors in the field.

The Global Network in numbers


Innovation Districts participating in the Global Network, spanning


Global Regions




Companies and Institutions working with GIID to spearhead change in their local and regional areas


City, State and National governments actively engaged to advance districts as part of their economic agendas

Districts participating in the Global Network 2024-2026 program

16 Tech Innovation District

Indianapolis, IN (USA)

195 District

Providence, RI, (USA)

Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District

Sheffield / Rotherham (UK)

Be’er Sheva Innovation District

Be’er Sheva (Israel)

Boggo Road Innovation Precinct

Brisbane, QLD (Australia)

Brampton Innovation District

Brampton, ON (Canada)

Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus

Buffalo, NY (USA)

Campus de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Bogotá-Región CTIB

Bogotá (Colombia)

Campus Klybeck

Basel (Switzerland)

Central Innovation District

The Hague (Netherlands)

Children’s National Research & Innovation Campus

Washington D.C. (USA)

Cortex Innovation District

Saint Louis, MO (USA)

Discovery Square Innovation District

Rochester, MN (USA)

Distrito de Innovación de Ñuble

Chillán (Chile)

Distrito de Innovación Medellín

Medellín (Colombia)

Distrito de Innovación Tlalpan

Mexico City (Mexico)


Santiago de Querétaro, QE (Mexico)

Gold Coast Health and Knowledge Precinct

Gold Coast, QLD (Australia)

Haifa Innovation District

Haifa (Israel)

Innovation District in Detroit (TBA)

Detroit, MI (USA)

Innovation District Monterrey

Monterrey, NL (Mexico)

Innovation Quarter

Winston-Salem, NC (USA)

Knowledge Quarter Liverpool

Liverpool (UK)

Knowledge Quarter Zuidas

Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Liverpool Innovation Precinct

Liverpool, NSW (Australia)

Lot Fourteen

Adelaide, SA (Australia)

Lund Innovation District

Lund (Sweden)

Melbourne Innovation Districts (City North)

Melbourne, VIC (Australia)

Monash Technology Precinct

Melbourne, VIC (Australia)

Nagaoka City Innovation District

Nagaoka (Japan)

Norfolk Innovation Corridor

Norfolk, VA (USA)

Oklahoma City Innovation District

Oklahoma City, OK (USA)

Oslo Science City

Oslo (Norway)

Phoenix Bioscience Core

Phoenix, AZ (USA)

Pittsburgh Innovation District

Pittsburgh, PA (USA)

Randwick Health & Innovation Precinct

Sydney, NSW (Australia)

St. Petersburg Innovation District

St. Petersburg, FL (USA)

The Linq

Mansfield, TX (USA)

The Pearl

Charlotte, NC (USA)

The Point Innovation District

Draper, UT (USA)

University Innovation Quarter

Calgary, AB (Canada)

Utah Tech Innovation District

St. George, UT (USA)

Westmead Health Precinct

Sydney, NSW (Australia)

Benefits of joining the Global Network

Through a carefully curated process, districts that join the network work together in partnership with us to:

Sharpen and strengthen the model of innovation districts

Critical in a world where districts are becoming a “fad” with little regard for critical assets and attributes that distinguish districts from other geographies of innovation.

Be part of a powerful collective of districts worldwide

Where district leaders gain new knowledge, have access to empirical evidence for informed decision-making, and gain strategic skill sets now viewed as necessary for success.

Position districts as 21st Century problem-solvers worthy of strategic investment and support

Where detailed engagements with the Global Network combined with empirical analysis are leveraged to develop provocative articles that strengthen the model and argue for the right kinds of investment.

The Global Network is open to innovation district leaders from around the world

Open to various stages

Districts at any stage of development: emerging, evolving, maturing.

Open to a variety of R&D strengths

Districts with highly specialized R&D strengths or with a unique combination that covers many fields.

Open to districts with different levels of awareness of their own strengths

Districts unclear of their R&D and/or place-based assets.

Open to districts at various levels of organization

Districts that are highly organized with some form or governance to emerging districts where institutions or companies are leading the effort.

Open to different types of stakeholders

Some in the network are university or institutional leaders advocating for a broader movement, some are city, state, or regional government officials, some are medical institutions, and others are independent non-profits created to lead the district.

Open to districts at various levels of organizatio

Some are lodged in highly advanced and knowledge intensive economies, others are shifting from a highly agricultural or manufacturing base to a diversified economy approach.

Development of the Global Network

The Global Network is anchored by our Steering Committee, which includes two Founding Partners and 11 innovation districts across eight countries. Actively advising us since 2019, the Steering Committee also supports the Global Network through their active engagement in sessions with districts, as well as teaching districts specific areas of their work that are particularly innovative and cutting edge. In 2023, we expanded the Global Network.


Since inaugurating the Global Network in 2020, GIID has conducted activities that go deep within individual innovation districts while also surfacing cross-district insights.


Surveys to benchmark and examine large numbers of districts in specific areas of their work


Unique R&D analysis of individual districts to harness their R&D strengths


Detailed mapping and spatial analysis of districts to help them achieve the ‘place-innovation’ nexus


Group meetings and customized strategy sessions to help each district evolve


Strategy sessions with researchers, advisors, investors and practitioners to design sessions and drive impact

"This is the best support network that I've come across for the problems that I'm facing today, and the opportunities and challenges we will face over the next month, 6 months, 12 months.”​

Matthew Proft

Matthew Proft

Director of Precincts at University of Technology Sydney – Tech Central

“Being part of the GIID Global Network acts like a seal of approval. It gives our work credibility and allows us to distinguish ourselves from «real-estate plays». Our mission, our governance structure, and the peer network that we interact with as exemplified by GIID separates the 16 Tech Innovation District from those that attempt to attract similar types of tenants but do so from a different overarching ambition.”

Emily Krueger

Emily Krueger

President and CEO – 16 Tech Community Corporation

“By connecting us with other innovation districts, resources, and leading practitioners, GIID has pushed our district to think bigger and more strategically about our future while validating the work we’ve done so far.”

Caroline Skuncik

Caroline Skuncik

Executive Director, I-195 Redevelopment District

“[Joining the Global Network] gave us the ability to feel like we are part of a global community, despite our distance, and a safe and energizing space, which has been really critical for me, as a leader. It can be a bit lonely in this space sometimes, so I have very much appreciated those reassuring experiences and conversations which I've had with the team, and some aha-moments along the way to really shape and drive our local advocacy.”

Brooke Griffin

Prior Executive Director – Randwick Health & Innovation Precinct

Join a growing global movement

Apply to join The Global Network of Innovation Districts.

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