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Learn / Who advances districts? / Actors advancing R&D / Companies

Knowledge-intensive companies

Companies that develop or apply knowledge to create or improve cutting-edge products, services, or processes

The role of companies

Companies of various sizes and specializations are an important part of a district’s DNA.  They contribute to a district’s critical mass of activity and people with specialized training and knowledge.


We identify knowledge-intensive companies using the following criteria:

The company employs disproportionately large numbers of workers in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) occupations; spends disproportionately large sums of its cash flow on research and development; or is primarily involved in manufacturing high technology goods.
The company primarily sells products and services to customers far from the company's headquarters or production facilities—that is, the company's products or services are intended primarily for non-local markets.
If not defined by one of the above criteria, the company provides services to the companies described above. This includes law firms, consulting firms, accounting firms, marketing and advertising firms, media companies, and other advanced business or professional services firms.

Knowledge-intensive companies benefit from the types of assets and dynamics found in innovation districts or companies that support knowledge-intensive companies, thereby strengthening the value proposition of such companies and the innovation district.

Who Advances Districts?

Other actors advancing innovation districts

Actors advancing R&D

Universities & medical institutions, R&D magnets, Companies

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Ecosystem builders

Accelerators and incubators, Other types of intermediaries, New kinds of anchors

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Governments, Philanthropists, Real Estate Developers, Other investors

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Mission-driven organizations

Mission-driven organizations

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