Tearing Down Real Walls: A Place-Based Approach to University-Industry Collaboration
Learn / Who advances districts? / Actors advancing R&D / Advanced research institutions
Universities, medical institutions and other research organizations are known as anchor institutions. Innovation districts emerging globally are adjacent to these research actors, a critical part of a district’s DNA.
Certain organizations “anchor” an area given their long-standing presence and important contribution to local and regional economies. Anchor institutions often catalyze or enable the growth of an innovation district in a city or region.
Anchor institutions and research
Significant research funding
Anchor institutions receive significant research funding from the government on an annual basis, including highly competitive grants. This makes them the natural research engines of their regions.
Applied research
Many anchor institutions undertake applied research, which focuses on solving problems. Applied sciences include all types of engineering, clinical medicine, and computer science disciplines, and disciplines that deal with business, law, or public policy.
Translational research
Specific institutions carry out translational research, which aims to develop a practical application of a discovery into a new technology—a product or service or something of deemed value. This research can have monetary value. Given this, institutions protect their intellectual property and execute agreements such as licensing and partnership contracts to transfer knowledge to companies.
Research spinoffs
Anchor organizations are known to create spinoffs from institution research. While institution policies define rules on how this is undertaken, spinoffs are a powerful way that institutions help commercialize the research that has taken place.
Collaborative innovation
Anchor institutions often connect and share knowledge with private firms. Companies make conscious decisions to locate near research institutions to strengthen how they obtain—formally and informally—new insights to drive products and services to market.
Talent development
Anchor institutions both develop and cultivate high quality talent. With countries, regions, cities, and companies of all sizes racing to attract the best talent, anchor institutions become invaluable to cities and regions—and also to innovation districts.
Who Advances Districts?
Other actors advancing innovation districts
Ecosystem builders
Accelerators and incubators, Other types of intermediaries, New kinds of anchors
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